Some of you may remember a blog I did about my IP Virgin Media called
Virgin Media - A Deceptive IP, well it looks like it's coming to a head. I've tried to keep throughput down during peak time of 1600 - 2400 Hrs weekdays and all weekend, but, they've changed the goalposts again. Getting speeds of 75Kb/s down, 375Kb/s up!!! Looks like their original not lower than figures of 512Kb/s if TMed which I based my decision to sign up with them were wrong, they've now changed their info to 80Kb/s and that's shared. The round about 5GB during peak times has now become 2GB which in my opinion is definitely not heavy usage. Just doing nothing on the PC and leaving it connected gives a background reading of around 36.5MB per hour throughput. Do they expect to sell an 8MB connection to someone as long as they only use it for a little light surfing and polling their mail now and again.
So, after being TMed yet again I have put in an official complaint via the ISPA accusing Virgin Media of gravely misleading information and a very bad contract not to mention speed and mail issues. I've had it with them, time to get out of the contract and go with a reputable IP that makes conditions clear and sticks to what they say. So, if I disapear for a while you'll know I'm in the middle of changing. Below are my latest speed figures.
~ Rob
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