Sunday, 22 March 2009

Hemp For Victory

This is the story of hemp in all its forms, its history, the amazing number of products that can be made for it and its entanglement with law. It was originally legal to grow it in virtually all countries of the world including the USA and George Washington himself grew and encouraged others to grow it to make America independent from hemp imports from Europe and the rest of the world. After the alcohol prohibition came to an end there were departments in the US government with noting to do so the law to make Hemp illegal was passed. It was not only passed for that reason, but, due to new automated ways of harvesting and processing it hemp could have taken over from the cotton industry and also the high grade fuel that could be made from its oil threatened the petrol chemical industry. Paper made from it is far superior to paper made from trees and doesn't require all the dangerous chemicals used to make paper from trees. Building materials can be made from it and if it were used again not a single tree need ever be cut down again. The number of uses will become apparent in the following videos.

America is still one of the few nations to ban the growing of hemp and has to import it all from abroad. The law to prohibit its growth took 90 seconds to debate and pass and it was based on downright lies and ignorance. Yet, during the second world war the US department of agriculture wanted US farmers to grow it again.

The first short film, Hemp For Victory, was produced by the USDA during WW II, it disappeared after that and even searches of the Library of Congress didn't turn it up. It was as if it never existed. After further searches it was found tucked away in a dusty cellar of the Library of Congress.

The second film is the History Of Marijuana and its many documented uses over thousands of years.

The third film, Emperor of Hemp is mainly about Jack Herer, author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes. It is his story, the story of how the book was written and his work to overturn vicious laws to do with hemp and his research into all the thousands of products that can be made from it. Indeed, he even reckoned that the growing and use of Hemp could save the world.

<a href="">Emperor of Hemp: The Jack Herer Story</a>

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