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Let there be Light...and when that first photon emerged from the churning chaos of the sub-quantum world that Dr. Werner Heisenberg called the potentia it emerged into Now, not some hypothetical time of the big bang countless billion years ago, but, Now. It emerged as the smallest possible particle that can exist in our universe approx. 10^-33 cm. At that size particles are constantly popping in and out of existence via the potentia. So this first photon popped out of the potentia, slowed its spin, got larger, did its thing in this new universe, sped up its spin, grew smaller and became so small it disappeared out of this universe into the potentia only to emerge again in another time and space. It kept repeating this for that first photon is eternal and soon space/time started seeing more and more of this lonely photon.
In due time, or should I say in due permutation, complex systems came into existence due to this first photon, the God Particle, being attracted to other manifestations of itself, orbiting itself in more and more complex patterns. Strange communications occurred with it's different separate selves over time and space in a non local fashion. Eventually systems came into existence that could sustain thought and fabricate conceptual universes. One such system that another system labelled Werner Heisenberg looked upon these photons and wondered why he could either observe them or measure them, but, not both. He also wondered what sort of force or energy there could be that could cause these photons once they had been in contact with each other to have an effect on each other in a non local manner, irrespective to time and space. He had not realised that he was not observing photons, but, he was just observing one photon that exista in all places at all times including making up every part of the system that he was. The God Particle.
In due time, or should I say in due permutation, complex systems came into existence due to this first photon, the God Particle, being attracted to other manifestations of itself, orbiting itself in more and more complex patterns. Strange communications occurred with it's different separate selves over time and space in a non local fashion. Eventually systems came into existence that could sustain thought and fabricate conceptual universes. One such system that another system labelled Werner Heisenberg looked upon these photons and wondered why he could either observe them or measure them, but, not both. He also wondered what sort of force or energy there could be that could cause these photons once they had been in contact with each other to have an effect on each other in a non local manner, irrespective to time and space. He had not realised that he was not observing photons, but, he was just observing one photon that exista in all places at all times including making up every part of the system that he was. The God Particle.
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