Sunday, 3 February 2008

The Temple of Humanity

Many years ago my father gave me a book he thought I'd be interested in, it was The Sign And the Seal by Graham Hancock. To say I found it interesting would be an understatement, in many ways it actually changed my life. You can read a description about it on the above link. It had included in it many notes and an excellent Appendix which in turn lead me to find and read many of the books Graham quoted as sources. A couple of years later its inspirations lead me to make a journey to Egypt to do my own research and explorations and there many strange experiences happened to me including a profound revelation I had after meditating in the subterranean chamber of the Great Pyramid.

While in Cairo I also came to grips with computers and the Internet and looking up Graham Hancock I found Graham Hancock's site which I promptly joined and got involved with the Forums there. Actually there was only one Forum at that time, now there are many. In due course I made some very good contacts there who persisted even after I left it.

During that time I was invited to join another group Forum called The Temple of Humanity, it was not a very big group and not always that active, but, what was discussed on the Forum was often very profound ranging from philosophy through metaphysics, spirituality, science, cosmology, ecology, ancient history to name just a few subjects. During its existence it changed Hosts a few times and for one reason or another, most of which seem to have been forgotten, it petered out and was closed.

Several years past and recently I had to change my IP and hence my email addresses. Going through my address-book I notified all my contacts, some of which I hadn't heard from for many years, about my new address. One contact, Dave Mason, replied and pointed me to a network site he had joined called Multiply. Joining it I found some of the ex members of The Temple of Humanity there and renewed contact after several years. Exploring the Site I found you could also create Groups so taking the plunge I set up the old Temple of Humanity group again and invited some of the old members back to it. So now I am very pleased to announce the new and revitalised Temple of Humanity (Reincarnated) and invite anyone of like mind from Spaceship Earth and beyond to join with us in our explorations.

David posted a very good explanation of the Group on the Group's page entitled What Is The Temple Of Humanity ? which I will now quote:

"This was a group formed by a bunch of us who met on the Graham Hancock forum in the early 2000's. That forum was, and still is, an excellent place to discuss aspects of 'Ancient History', that is, the unfolding story of how we Humans got to this 'Moment of Now'. A great debt is owed to people like Graham Hancock, Robert Bauvall, John West and many many others.

"An enormous part of re-membering who we really are lies in 'restoring' the 'past', and the great paradox of this, as some of us believe, is that much of our so-called 'past' hasn't been 'written' yet ( work that out, if you can !).

"I consider that the current span of 'recorded history', i.e. the last 10,000 Earth years or so, has been largely characterised by the emergence of formidable successive 'power and control' systems, so-called civilisations whose most noted achievements have been the imposition of belief systems designed specifically to stop people thinking for themselves, and have them submit to 'order' imposed from without. This has usually taken one, or both, of two main forms, secular power, that of the 'State' usually with some singular figurehead such as a 'King' or 'Emperor' or whatever title was thought to make a simple human being just like you or me seem somehow more 'grand'. The other was religious power, a more insidious system because it fed not just on the 'Fears' of this world, as used by the secular powers, but it notched the whole process up a bunch by creating a whole new, and in some senses even more horrendous set of 'Fears' about what might happen to a human who failed to submit to the earthly 'authorities' after they 'kicked the bucket'. One of the mainstay incentives for submission was the extraordinary application of human imagination to ever more ghastly ways of inducing such 'bucket-kicking'.

"In almost every human 'culture' as decadence sets in this manner of control gets further and further out of hand. The last 100 Earth years being a good example, but even earlier on examples such as the Aztec of modern-day Mexico, who were slaughtering an estimated 80,000 humans a year in order, so their 'priests' informed them, to stave off the end of their Age of the Sun !

"So .... why a 'Temple of Humanity' ?

"From my perspective it was an attempt to accommodate the search for truth through spirituality and what is known as 'metaphysics', without all the 'power and control' elements of formal religion. Most of us recognise that all religions were founded in some truly Cosmic Truths, but that virtually all have fallen into the hands of the manipulators who have turned belief into superstition and fear, in order to further their own, very earthly, agendas.

"Thus all are welcome, especially those of open mind, and open heart, those who are eager to share their truths with us all, in order to continue writing the 'Story That Never Ends', the ever-expanding story of All That Is.

"I would like to mention finally a wonderful human being who was with us from the beginning of TOH, our dearest Pat, who shifted so far in her time with us, and who chose to drop her monkey suit a couple of years ago and return to the 'Source' for a while. She is remembered with much love and happiness.

"David the Navigator"

Truth, consciousness and bliss be with you all.

Rob (The Canopian Dreamer)

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